In the long-term use of automobiles, there will inevitably be some minor faults and faults, let alone used cars. Especially tyres, fuel consumption and braking system are the most likely to cause potential safety hazards. So, how to deal with these situations? What are the maintenance methods for common failures of used cars? Let’s get to know them together.

Common failure 1: The tire was punctured by foreign body.

Tires are the most vulnerable to wear and tear. Especially when walking on mountain roads, they are always punctured by stones or iron nails. In order to save time, many car owners go to the roadside repair shop to repair their tires. In fact, this method can only be temporarily remedied, leaving a great potential safety hazard when driving at high speed. It is suggested that the car owner find a professional repair shop afterwards for internal repair, because the professional repair shop will have special tools for dismantling tires, and it will be safer to repair after heating with a special vulcanizer.

Common failure 2: Great increase in fuel consumption.

After using the car for a period of time, many car owners will find that fuel consumption has increased dramatically by more than 10%, which is puzzling. In fact, the increase in fuel consumption also indicates a potential failure of the vehicle. This is the first reason to understand the increase in fuel consumption, and then to address it. There are many factors contributing to the increase in fuel consumption. For example, the slippage of the clutch will result in the loss of engine speed, which will lead to a sharp increase in fuel consumption. It is necessary to replace the clutch pressure plate and drive wheels in time.

Common failure 3: Brake system failure.

Brake system failure includes: brake pedal travel is too large, braking effect is slow, braking efficiency is very low or even lost, and braking distance increases. There are three ways to eliminate this fault. Continuous stepping on the brake pedal, such as the pedal gradually increased and has a sense of elasticity, but after a short pause and then stepping on the pedal is still very low, that is, there is air in the brake system, then the brake system should be exhausted. One foot braking is not effective, but the braking effect is very good when stepping on the pedal several times continuously. Generally, the free travel of the brake pedal is too large or the braking clearance is too large. The pedal free travel should be adjusted, and then the brake clearance should be checked, and the brake should be dismantled and repaired if necessary. Recommended Reading: How to Judge Whether a Tire Should Be Replaced.
Car owners must not neglect all kinds of minor faults, it is to remind you of the hidden faults in the vehicle, timely solution or replacement, not only to ensure the safety of driving, but also to extend the service life of the vehicle. So, please pay attention to it.

Do not grease tyre bolts and nuts

There are always some minor problems in the life of car-loving, and automobile maintenance is a technical work. There are many points needing attention in the process of maintenance. But some owners like to deal with the problems first by themselves, but because they are not professional maintenance personnel, in the process of repair, they often use some wrong maintenance methods to deal with their cars, which often leads to the problem. The following editors introduce some common automobile repair errors.

Do not grease tyre bolts and nuts

In the maintenance of wheels, a few private owners, in order to prevent the bolts and nuts on wheels from rusting, uniquely paint the bolts and nuts with lubricating oil when installing them. It is not only wrong, but also brings some hidden dangers to driving safety. After the bolts and nuts are tightened, they have the characteristics of self-locking. The self-locking coefficient decreases and the self-locking performance decreases when lubricating oil is applied. When a car is running at high speed, the bolts and nuts are easy to loosen or even fall off, thus causing traffic accidents.

Don’t wash the body with water.

Internal summer arrives, common private owners wash the car body with water while wiping with a rag. Here we should remind private owners that it is best not to wash the car body directly with water. Because the underneath of the cab floor mat is not a “flat horse”, structural needs make the underneath of the cab floor mat grooves, through holes are very many. After washing with water, either deposited in the groove is not easy to dry, or flow from the through hole to the gearbox and other components to produce rust. Especially the car with better sealing performance can not wash the interior of the car body directly with water. The correct way is to wipe with a wet cloth, but to avoid water accumulation.

Do not mix different brands of coolants

Everyone knows that when the engine coolant is insufficient, it should be added in time, but do you use different brands of coolant temperature together? If so, advise you to release the coolant as soon as possible and add the same brand of coolant again. Because the chemical properties of different brands of coolants may vary greatly, such as effective preservatives for ferrous metals, but often corrode aluminium products; while the preservatives for Aluminum Table Gold are harmful to ferroalloys. Because different brands of coolants use different preservatives, so can not be mixed use.

Don’t step on the accelerator when the EFI car starts

It is the habit of many drivers to step on the throttle before starting the engine, especially when the cold car starts in winter. But this starting method is not suitable for EFI cars. The engine equipped with electronic fuel injection device is different from the ordinary carburetor engine. Its fuel injection control device can automatically adjust the fuel supply according to the temperature and working condition of the engine, so that the engine can start smoothly. That is, when the cold car starts, the fuel injection control device can automatically increase the fuel supply. Therefore, it is not necessary to step on the throttle when starting the engine of an EFI car, let alone step on the throttle continuously before starting, otherwise the engine will start badly.